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Discipline/Training  // Browsing posts in Discipline/Training

26 Mar Posted by in Discipline/Training | Comments

What is the focus of our discipline?

What is the focus of our discipline?

You can’t see the forest for the trees. We’ve probably all heard that phrase at one time or another. What it means is we can lose sight of the bigger picture when we are too focused on the details. This can happen all too easily in parenting—on a number of levels. When it comes to […]


22 Nov Posted by in Discipline/Training | Comments

Is it ever OK to spank your child?

Is it ever OK to spank your child?

There are few parenting topics that are more polarizing and stir up more passion than the issue of spanking. So we thought for our inaugural blog post it would be great to get the discussion going by letting it all hang out and talk about spanking. There are not many neutral parties when it comes […]