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Parenting Partners

The Parenting Partners program provides an opportunity for newer, less experienced parents to be connected with parents that have experienced the ups and downs, the joys and sorrows of parenthood and have emerged wiser because of it. They have found ways to successfully navigate many of the challenges of parenting children today. These are by no means “perfect parents”. On the contrary, in many cases, their failures have helped them to understand what works and what doesn’t—what is effective and what is not.

By partnering with a more experienced couple, you can avoid many of the same mistakes and learn from instruction, not experience. Of course, most of what you will learn as a parent is from experience, but if you can avoid some pitfalls and be more intentional about your parenting through the benefit of others, you would be following the advice of scripture, “Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many advisers bring success.” (Proverbs 15:22)

Here’s how it works…

If you’re interested in connecting with a Parenting Partner contact us using our online form on the contact page. Briefly explain what you would like to receive from the Parenting Partner relationship, and how you would like to communicate with them. If you have a preference for what Parenting Partner you would like to connect with, please indicate that in the contact form. We will do our best to accommodate your preferences. If it’s not possible to fulfill your request, we will contact you to discuss other options. If you have no preference, we will do our best to match you with a Parenting Partner that best suits your situation based on the information you provided on the contact form. We will then forward your contact info to the Parenting Partner and they will contact you to discuss the details of your first meeting. There are several ways you can connect with your Parenting Partner. Here are some options:

In Person

This would be the ideal way to connect with your Parenting Partners. You can discuss with them where you would like to meet (your home, their home, restaurant, etc.) and what your goals are for your time together. Getting together in person offers a more relaxed setting where you can really communicate clearly and have a more personal and intimate conversation.


Depending on the Parenting Partner, this may be a good alternative when you don’t have the ability to meet in person. You must already have—or set up a new—Skype account to communicate this way. It’s free, and if you have video capabilities on your computer or iPad, you can see each other while you’re talking together.


This form of communication is pretty limiting and is only good for answering questions/concerns one at a time. You won’t be able to interact with your Parenting Partners, but sometimes all you need is some feedback on something and if the issue is simple enough, an email response may be adequate.

Connect me with a Parenting Partner

Parenting Partners

Russ & Sharon Peterson
Russ & Sharon have been married since 1983 and are blessed with three grown children, and six of the cutest grandchildren in the world!
Since 1984 Russ has operated his own graphic design business, while Sharon has been a full-time mom, and a substitute teacher as well.
In the summer of 2005 they started “Growing Marriages”, a ministry to help Prepare for, Enrich, or Repair  marriages. This is done primarily through couple-to-couple mentoring with the aid of marriage resources.
They launched “Dynamic Parenting” to provide a similar service to help parents raise their children to know and love God. They hope to accomplish this through group training (Parenting Boot Camp), personalized mentoring (Parenting Partners), online resources (articles, videos, DVDs, books), and community discussion through the blog, “Parenting Ponderings”.

“The trouble with
being a parent is
that by the time you
are experienced,
you’re unemployed.”

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